Rare Diseases India Foundation Lets take a,
significant step
Lets take a significant step towards advocating for better treatment and support for patients.   More
Rare Diseases India Foundation (RDIF) is a Non-Profit patient advocacy Organisation dedicated to individuals with rare diseases, registered in 2019 in India.

Awareness & Education

Raise awareness about rare diseases and educate for symptoms & early detection.

Emotional Support

Offer emotional support and counseling services for patients and families.

Rare Disease Advocacy

Access to quality medical care, and improving the lives of individuals.
WALKATHON-2025 RARE DISEASE DAY Theme: Walk for Rare Block the Date: Feb 6th, 2025, 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM Venue: Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi Organized by RDIF (Rare Diseases India Foundation) Click for details
About RDIF

Rare Diseases India Foundation (RDIF)

Rare Diseases India Foundation (RDIF) is a Non-Profit patient advocacy organization dedicated to individuals with rare diseases. Registered in 2019, we aim to bridge the gap in awareness, diagnosis, treatment, and management of rare diseases across India. Our foundation was born out of the growing need to address the challenges faced by patients and their families who are affected by rare diseases.

Rare diseases are not as rare as you may think!

What is a Rare Disease ?

A rare disease is a medical condition that affects …

A Rare disease is a medical condition that affects a small percentage of the population, typically fewer than 1 in 2,000 people. These conditions are often complex, chronic, and can be life-threatening. Rare diseases are frequently genetic and can impact people from birth or develop later in life. Due to their rarity, they often lack sufficient research and treatment options.


We aim to raise awareness through early detection, education, and improved care standards in India. By advocating for stronger policies and building a reliable patient registry, we seek to enhance diagnostics and treatments.


To enable timely diagnosis, proper treatment, management of rare diseases for all patients & ensure required support for affected patients and families. Collaboration with stakeholders will be essential in advancing our mission.


Our objective is to increase awareness of rare diseases, promote early detection, and improve patient care in India. We advocate for stronger policies and funding for rare disease management.

We have to alert about  to build extra awareness.

Rare Diseases

Non-Profit patient advocacy Organization

Rare Diseases India Foundation (RDIF) is a Non-Profit patient advocacy Organization dedicated to individuals with rare diseases, registered in 2019 in India. Acknowledging a felt need for increasing awareness, education, diagnosis, treatment, and management of rare diseases in the country, we have formed this foundation with an ultimate goal to work for them.



Hunter syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects the body's ability to break down certain sugars, leading to buildup in tissues and organs.

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Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

(DMD) is a genetic disorder which by progressive muscle degeneration and weakness, caused by the absence of dystrophin, a protein that helps keep muscles intact.

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RDIF | Rare Disease India Foundation


Gaucher syndrome is a genetic disorder where fatty substances accumulate in certain organs, particularly the spleen and liver leading...

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Lysosomal Storage Diseases

LSD refers to a group of inherited metabolic disorders caused by enzyme deficiencies within lysosomes, leading to the accumulation of toxic substances in cells.

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Purpose of the organization

RD Awareness

Rare diseases affect millions globally, but due to their uncommon nature, they...

Supportive Therapies

There are approved supportive therapies, such as enzyme replacement therapies...

Medical Insurance

There are no existing government schemes or medical insurance policies...

National Policy

India currently lacks a comprehensive National Policy for the Treatment of Rare Diseases.

Absence of patient support

There is no formal patient support system in place to assist the families of those...

Handful of specialists

In India, there are only a handful of specialists and healthcare providers with expertise in treating rare diseases...

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