Patients and Families

Patients and Families

Are you or someone you know affected by a rare disease, condition, or disorder? Are you finding it difficult to diagnose or manage a rare condition? Do traditional healthcare solutions seem insufficient?

At RDIF, we are committed to providing accessible resources and avenues of support for our Rare Disease community.

RD Helpline

Our nationwide Rare Disease Helpline (+91 9570088888) is the first point of contact for anyone in India seeking medical or non-medical support for rare diseases. This helpline acts as a vital interface between RDIF, patients, and healthcare professionals.

Free Genetic Counseling

For select patients, RDIF provides free genetic counseling services, recognizing the importance of early and accurate diagnosis. Timely intervention can significantly improve treatment outcomes and overall quality of life.

Clinical Trials

One of RDIF’s key objectives is to empower patients with information about ongoing and upcoming clinical trials for rare diseases. We remain dedicated to advancing healthcare opportunities and treatment options for our patient community.

Therapy and Treatments

For families facing financial constraints, RDIF works to facilitate affordable or sponsored treatments. By bridging the gap between costs and care, we aim to make lifesaving therapies more accessible to those who need them the most.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)