Dr. Ashok Vellodi

Former consultant ( Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children), Honorary Reader (UCL Institute of Child Health, London)
  • +91 9570088888

Former consultant in the Department of Metabolic Medicine at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children

Honorary Reader, Clinical and Molecular Genetics Unit, UCL Institute of Child Health, London

He completed his MBBS from the Armed Forces Medical College in Pune, and his MD in paediatrics at AIIMS Delhi, He moved to the UK in 1979. After mandatory training, he was appointed consultant at Westminster Children’s Hospital, where he ran the bone marrow transplant service for lysosomal storage disorders.

In 1994, he moved to Great Ormond Street Hospital, where he established the service for lysosomal storage disorders, and worked there until his retirement from the NHS in 2016.

Dr Vellodi is internationally known for his work in the field of lysosomal storage disorders. He has run several clinical trials. He chaired the European Working Group committee on type III Gaucher disease, developing guidelines for its management.

Dr Vellodi has over 120 peer-reviewed papers and three textbook chapters to his credit.

Dr Vellodi is the recipient of the Alan Gordon Memorial Award of the UK Gaucher Association and delivered the ISIEM Oration in 2014.

For over 20 years, Dr Vellodi has been working with colleagues, support groups, and families in India, conducting clinics and CMEs.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)