Co-Founder & Director – Rare Diseases India Foundation (RDIF)
Father of a Rare Disease Child
N.C.C “A’, “B” & “C” Certificate, Participated in RDC 2000, Recognised by Prime Minister of India in 2000, Recognised by Governor of Bihar in 2000 & also worked 14 yrs in various MNCs.
In Rare Diseases – Recognised by Union Health Minister in 2019, Health Minister of Jharkhand in 2022, Governor of Jharkhand in 2022, M.Ps, M.L.As and also recognised by many more notable Personality of India.
Field of interest
Effective Rare Disease Policy in India
Attention to Rare Disease Patient in the country.
Rare Diseases India Foundation (RDIF) is a Non-Profit patient advocacy Organization dedicated to individuals with rare diseases, registered in 2019 in India. Acknowledging a felt need for increasing awareness, education, diagnosis, treatment, and management of rare diseases in the country, we have formed this foundation with an ultimate goal to work for them.